Porcelain Fused to Captek®
Captek is a highly esthetic PFM dental restoration. Made of ceramic fused to a 22kt gold understructure, also providing a warm, lifelike appearance at the gingival margin. Thanks to advancements in nanotechnology, Captek’s unique formulation makes it ideal for crowns, bridges and implants.
Biocompatible and corrosion resistant, clinical tests have shown that Captek exhibits less bacterial accumulation than natural teeth in the same mouth.
Conventional Cementation
Single unit anterior/posterior crowns and multi unit bridges
Single or Bridges over implants
- D2750 Single Crown PFG
- D6999 Captek Inlays
- D2750 crown – porcelain fused to high-noble metal
- D6750 crown – porcelain/ceramic (bridge units)
- D6240 pontic – porcelain/ceramic (bridge units)
In Lab Working Time